


A Goodbye Letter From IJaggys


As of right now we are basically going on hiatus.





Howdy, It’s me IJaggys.

I just wanted to take a minute to update you all with the current status of this blog. As of right now we are basically going on hiatus. Now before everyone starts jumping to conclusions I just want to make sure everyone knows, me and the other blogging things are still very, very close.

Especially all my original characters. We have been best friends for years and will continue to be for as long as I can possibly forsee, so I don’t want anyone to think this is a result of silent readers or Super Junior suffer popularity decline or anything. There is nothing but love between us.

This is mostly a decisions based off a changing of times and the desire to start pursuing new things in my life. This blog has been the center of my life for my entire adolescence to date.

Nine full books and almost 9 years of solid writing, the urge to see what else I am capable of achieving is almost overwhelming, and I feel like there is no better time than now to go ahead and take a leap of faith and see what happens.

I love every single reader that has ever helped make my dream of being writer and having nine books come true. I know without the people who supported IJaggys, this blog would be nothing and I am eternally grateful for everything.

I had several stories in process, which I probably won’t be completing now since by the time I’m able to get back to blogging, they’ll no longer be timely. I apologize to everyone who was expecting to see the on-going series here

Sadly, almost all stories and post in here are now going private due to plagiarism issue and content. But of course, there’s still some of stories that are free to read.

Just know  this blog aren’t going to let you guys down and I’m still plan on writing some story at some point in the future when it makes sense for all of us. For now just keep a lookout for new projects and future stories from IJaggys.

will still be answering email,  and posting occasionally on Twitter and  Instagram. You can buy all e-books everytime you want. And if you got something in mind or you just want to talk, feel free to email me!

So please don’t hesitate contact me: beckhambadda@yahoo.co.id | @IJaggys

Thanks for an incredible 9 years!









About IJaggys

Sorry, am I supposed to know who you are?

13 responses »

  1. Ciwi lagu says:

    Thankyou for the past 8 years. You are such amazing author. God is good to make me meet you. Good luck sissy and i’ll always pray the best for you. Comeback ASAP please. Ohhhh i’m waiting for your graduation. I luv you panutan q

  2. Maru9 says:

    Goodbye Ijaggys…
    I am always waiting for you and your story
    Thank you so much for being the best writer until now…
    And good luck for your graduation
    Thank you Ijaggys…

  3. Naura0661 says:

    Thank you… read your story make me feel very happy… you are a good writer. i hope i can read your story again… maybe next time…ckckck… wish you all the best… 🙂

  4. Minseokhoon says:

    Baru tau blog ini sekitar bulanan aja. But, thank you! : )

  5. kim_yeon says:

    Goodbye sista !!!
    It is nice to know you and this blog
    I really enjoy all your story sis
    Keep it up
    See you soon
    All de best

  6. 😈 says:

    its not a “goodbye letter” thingy- right jaggys? i mean well, u’re not that typical anw (as long as i know hehe)
    okay so- i havent come visit this home for about a month or more and… here i am read this -i dunno what to say-
    we’ll waiting for u! for sure! do ur own business first, we’re here. always here to read enjoy and appreciate ur story 🙂

  7. Snowcho says:

    Aku memang belum terlalu lama berkunjung di blog ini dan masih belum baca semua.
    Tapi udah lumayan banyak yang udah aku baca danceritanya bagus2. Seperti Unintented,Gangnam love story,The office,The family guy dan beberapa ficlet lainnya.
    Sedih juga ternyata pas buka blog ada postingan kayak gini, pdahal aku masih penasaran dan menunggu kelanjutan semua ceritanya.
    Tapi ini adalah keputusan penulis dan aku harus menghormatinya. Lagipula gk menutup kemungkinan kalau suatu saat bakal nulis lagi kan..hehe
    Semangat iJaggys..Aku akan selalu menunggu karyamu. Donghae juga pasti menunggu..haha

  8. Raeders says:

    yah kak….
    lalu aku cari bacaan dimana lagi :’)
    makasih karna udah jadiin beckhamlovesbadda sebagai blog FF nomer satu aku 😭
    dulu aku bisa cari FF disana sini, setelah kenal blog ini, sekarang baca FF dilapak laen agak aneh 😭
    YAH…. 😭

  9. Go Ahn Na says:

    ahh so sad..jadi rindu kekejaman cheonsa menyiksa ikan pendek ini…..tau ijjags ini dari lovely complex, thanks you karyamu unik bedaa sama author lain..C U soon
    psst.*peluk Jeno ahh

  10. fsshy says:

    Kaaaakkkk. Bakalan kangen buat baca di blog. Ini srius bisa beli e-book kapan aja?
    Good luck for your new projects 🙂🙂🙂
    See you soon ya

  11. nalsallaya says:

    Halooo kak~~
    Udah lama yaa ga ngeblog dan baca ff..
    Aku suka banget ff disini dari dlu ^^~

    Aku mau numpang promot bolehkah? Walaupun aku tau punyaku ga sebagus punya ijjagys

  12. applepuu says:

    baru buka wordpress after a loooong time. da ada “goodbye ijaggys”. langsung buka. dan jreng….. perpisahan. terimakasih atas semua ceritamu yg super sekali ya … have a great day. good luck 🙂

  13. ulfashim says:

    Gak nyangka bisa ketemu sama kak IJaggys. Aku sebagai sider dari jaman smp dan sekarang udah kuliah semester tua. Udah jarang mampir ke blog ini dan lihat postingan ini langsung nyessss…
    Trimakasih kak buat semua cerita nya. Trimakasih banyak 🙂

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